Saturday 9 May 2015

Nairobi Nights!

So yesterday I just got back from a short trip to Egypt. Met a couple of VIPs at the airport including the Speaker of The National Assembly,Kenya. Pretty cool guy. I envy his 2014 Mercedes S500. Might just buy myself one next week.
Anyways,its been a while since I partied in Nairobi and tonight my crew and I are out! And where else to party than in Westie!(Westlands)
We just had pre drinks at Prestige Plaza where we were meeting up,time to head to the club! Got about a million shillings to blow! If you find me I'll buy drinks ;)
of course I had to pull out the Porsche Panamera tonight! We've just hired out a WHOLE CLUB!! Hahaa the Billionaires are craaaaazy! Will post more tomorrow.

Keep Winning,Stay Winning,


  1. Great read. Nairobi Nights. Regards The Karenpost

  2. It looks like an adventure haha the Nairobi nights. Shop with us online at
