Monday 2 February 2015

Quality Time with Dad


So I flew back from Dar this morning and guess who was there to pick me? I was expecting Alexis but it was Dad!!! Was too happy to see my Ol' Man waiting for me. He drove the white Rolls Royce. Yes. He drives himself every other day. Wouldn't you do the same if you had a 25 million shilling car? haha.

If you were in JKIA today morning you might have noticed something strange. Or not.
We never use the main entrance thats for sure. For those who don't know there is another VIP entrance for VVIP. Top government officials sometimes use it when they want to travel incognito,but due to State obligations its mostly reserved for the Ultra-Rich in Kenya!
So anyways I flew in on Moms private Jet. Dad picked me and told me we were going to Narok for an important meeting. I thought it was just business as usual.

Here we are at one of the Shell petrol stations in the country.(its your mission to find out which one) haha.

So we got to Narok in the afternoon like we always do. We went straight to our ranch and in the garden I saw something beautiful. Dad had asked one of our chefs to prepare a special lunch for me.Turns out my Ol'Man just wanted to spend an afternoon with his boy. I was so touched.
All this was for me! Nothing new here, but the thought that Dad drove me all the way just to have lunch was out of this world. My dad gets extremely busy but he took a whole Monday off for me.Reminds me that Family is very important.This week, do something special for your family members. AND remember, its not Monday's that suck. Its your life!! Change that!

Keep Winning, Stay Winning,

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