Thursday 12 February 2015

Throwback Thursday.


Hope your week is good. My uncle sent me this pic he took of me when I was about 8 years old. I remember the day. My parents had just bought their first Helicopter!! They landed it out back of the house. You can imagine my excitement.

I wasn't as happy in the picture because I wanted to go flying immediately but my parents said we had to have lunch first. Which was just a waste of time in my opinion. So I was abit frowny.

But after lunch we had a blast! Of course, first place we went was Narok, to our ranch. Then Rusinga Island to my parent's hotel. We spent the night there and flew back to Nairobi in time for school. I was dropped in school by the chopper. Haha. Oh I went to St. Andrew's Turi, in case you are wondering.

Such a #ThrowBack though! HashTag ForeverRich.

Thats Dad and the pilot behind me.

Keep Winning, Stay Winning.

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