Sunday 23 November 2014

A little about me,,


So yesterday my girlfriend and I were having breakfast at The Hemmingways Hotel in Karen Nairobi, just as we always do every Weekend after our morning workout.  Anyways, so as we were watching the sun rise, my girlfriend mentioned to me how lucky she was to be with me. Furthermore, she mentioned how interesting it would be for Kenyans to have a glimpse into our life.

It is then that i realized that I should start a blog. Not to brag or anything, but to give people a sneak peak into my life, how it is to be the son of a Kenyan billionaire power couple. She(the girlfriend) said that aside from my circle of friends(whom i will introduce at a later date)are the only ones who really know how it is to be in the position that I am in. Moreover she said it would be a good idea to let people know just how we live..the things we do for fun..the places we visit..because people always have this misconstrued view of wealthy people,plus she said blogging is fun! Ohh well.. its always worth a try. :)

So here I am, im letting you into my life.. to read and imagine how my life is,,

OK so what first...Mmh, Oh yeah OK, So my name is Richard(Cant share my surname for obvious security reasons.) ;)

Im 20 yrs old, born in July 23,1994 at St. Mary's Hospital, Westminister London.( I'd post the video of my birth here but that would be too much now, wouldn't it? hahaa)
Im an entrepreneur by birth,by right, by association, be relation, by blood,,because..i don't need to work for anyone(aside from my parents because my they are the pillars of my success.) I mean, they are the billionaire couple,not me.. Im running several of my Parents' businesses. I have a couple of businesses of my own, beer transportation and distribution, a ranch in Narok County,Kenya, a coffee Import&Export company and an International Property Investor and Realtor( best part of my life because I get to travel..A LOT!)

Mmh,,what else..? Oh! I have a small sister who is the most spoilt child in the World! Oh and I stay in Karen on a 10-acre ranch that has been our family home for 3 generations now(passed down from my grandfather). Id really like to share a lot more but my parents are realle conscious of the information we share with the public due to safety & security reasons so I will keep the sensitive info to a minimum. I know what you're asking yourself and yes, they do know about this blog. In-fact when the Girlfriend(I'll introduce her to y'all a little later) ran the idea by them,they encouraged my to open the blog. They've been ever so supportive in all that I've wanted to WHOLE LIFE.

Ok, so my girlfriend is called Alexis and we have been dating for the past 5 years, friends since we were 3 years old. Her parents and mine have been business partners for over 30 years(I think we are already in an arranged marriage but that's a story for another day.. Haha!)

So.. about pictures, I'll only post those that don't expose my(or my families) identity for reasons stated above.

Ohh and one more important thing, due to the nature of my business, I may post about thrice a week 'cause i get really busy but i'll post as much as I can because its a new experience for me and I'd like y'all to share the experience with me.

Keep Winning,

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