Saturday 10 January 2015

Abu Dhabi Shenanigans


So as i told you in my last post,Khalfan* and I took his new $400,000 car for a spin on the nice smooth roads of Abu Dhabi! Yoh! I thought Tanzania's roads were smooth and good, until I drove on these Abu Dhabi roads at over 100 Mph. Surely we should have been stopped by the cops, but when your half-cousin in a prince, you tend to get away with A LOT!

I cant even write much about what we did! haha but we had fun! From about 11pm UAE time up till 7a.m we were out, clubbing, dancing,driving(no drinking) and so on.. you know, rich mans stuff, gentleman's secret. 
We drove to and from Dubai severaL times. To see who would do the journey in the best time. The best results were as follows: Khalfan* 1Hour 9 minutes, Rich, 1Hour 16 minutes. It was not a fair race, he had home advantage. haha.

This is the last photo I took as Khalfan was taking me to the hotel in the morning. I was surprised to find Alexis in bed cause I left her at the palace. Turns out they got choppers. Many of them. Ohh my. haha Dubai, Adopt me!

This is not a 'fresh post' as such. Its a recollection of what happened a couple of nights ago. My posting has been lacking ever since I got to Dubai, sorry! Too much fun!

Keep Winning, Stay Winning,

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