Monday 5 January 2015

Top of the day?

Top of the day to you my good lady. And to you too my good sir. Haha look at me trying to revive my jolly ol'British side. Haha. I'd be better off greating you in Swahili-Habari yako?

Anyways,im relaxing at the beach with Alexis and the rest of our family members. Enjoying the breeze,as well asthe view. Dubai really is an incredible place.
Today has been rather slow after our heavy brunch. Haha.

Anyways Khalfan* has just tipped me off that he has replaced his now written-off Lamborghini Aventador..with a.. wait for it, another Lamborghini Aventador. I know. There is no end to this guys money. Perks of being an oil tycoon,and the prince to his Fathers massive empire. Ohh my.

So his Family has invited mine for dinner later on in the evening,at a location that will be disclosed to us.Khalfan likes to play such games. Haha. So I will post again in the evening once we fet to our location,for now,just enjoying the day with the family.

The Burj Al Arab. The world first 7Star restaurant. This is my current view from the beach.

Enjoy your day.
Keep Winning,Stay Winning.

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