Saturday 10 January 2015

Dinner with an Arabian Prince.


So as I told you in my previous post Khalfan* was to take my whole family for dinner. That includes ally cousins who came,plus Alexis' entire fam. Yeah,this guy is beyond loaded! For those who didn't catch it,he's an oil tycoon and the heir to a very large empire.
Khalfan* is very flashy,he's got a lot of money and he isn't afraid to show it. He sent a fleet of 6 Rolls Royce Ghost's to pick us up.Couldnt even capture all of them.

The Rollies pulled up in a convoy,waiting for us.

So after being picked up, we were chauffeured to Abu Dhabi, where Khalfans palace is. The ride was a bit long but quite comfortable. We arrived at a magnificent palace. It was nothing like I had seen before! My family is full of billionaires but this guy makes us look like poor church mice! Hahaha!
Anyways we had a meal only comparable to 7 star dining. After that we had very expensive champagne. Khalfan himself said," only the finest and most expensive champagne for my friends and family..". Now, when an Arabian prince says something is expensive, TRUST it is expensive! 

Managed to sneak this pic inside the palace. Photography is strictly forbidden.(But im family,so I can risk it.) This is us having champagne at the palace lounge. Thats Khalfan* right there. You won't be able to tell his identity. haha. 
So as I told you he bought a new Lambo, here it is:

This guy motivates me to work harder. Though I cant get anywhere close to his #OilMoney. haha

So after this,as you can see, we went out for a ride. Just him and I. Our ladies remained at the palace. That ride was such a trip. Im in love with the UAE!

Keep Winning, Stay Winning,

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