Friday 16 January 2015

Polo Time!


So as promised, here is the next post. Many of my rich friends showed up at our Narok ranch for a game of polo thereafter we are going back to my Home in Karen Hardy(well, my parents home haha) for dinner. This is will be no ordinary dinner as all members of our secret community of Kenyan Billionaires will be in attendance. I will elaborate in yet another post specifically to explain to you what goes on at such meetings. So look out for that post later on tonight.

Anyways, here is Racine, Alexis' favourite horse! If you recall she was unwell last year, but is doing great and Alexis played with her. Racine couldn't have been in better form!
Alexis taught Racine to droop her tongue whenever she is happy. Haha. Naughty horse.

These are the other Rich Kenyan Kids who came to join us for Polo. What a fun way to spend our afternoon! Money makes for a fun lifestyle!

So after the game we will hang out for a bit until the sun sets(because Narok sun sets are beautiful) then we will go to my place, Karen, for the dinner and meeting!

Keep Winning, Stay Winning,

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