Saturday 3 January 2015

Pray for Alexis.

So yesterday Alexis and I went to visit a couple of Arab friends of mine. One of them is the Son rememb very top ranking personality in the government.I'll call him Khalfan* (real name withheld for eh,security reasons. You know). You however saw him in my pictures,in my last post. This guy loves to party and we are good friends. He has several cars and Alexis immediately fell in love with his White Lamborghini Aventador. He noticed it and told her she could go for a spin. So Alexis got in,and was ready to drive off.

Here she is just before she drove off. I had to capture her excitement. She has driven exotic cars before so she was in familiar territory.
So Khalfan's wife wanted to take Alexis for a ride on the highways. 

We left our ladies to it and we went about our own business. Half an hour later Khalfan got a call that the ladies had been involved in a road accident. My heart stopped. It didnt skip a beat. It stopped. According to Khalfan,I began sweating profusely,my body became pale and I looked and though I had lost my soul. I don't even remember  the ride to the acciddnt scene. 

I came to my senses when I saw the car.Fearing the worst. I couldnt hold my tears back. Alexis and her friend were unconscious. Bruised on her lip and forehead. Her friend suffered a fractured colar bone.

All in All I thank God because the doctors affirmed that there were no major injuries. My baby would be ok in a day or two,and Khalfans wife would be good too.

Turns out some lunatic in a truck swerved onto their lane,forcing them to swerve in an evasive attempt to avoid him,hitting the guard rail at high speed and tail spinning several times.

The authorities agreed to keep the accident away from the press,but promised to find the driver, who drove off leaving a trail of destruction.
Below is the accident scene.

Thats Alexis' hand righg now.The doctor prescribed a drip for her medication. Her head hurts :(

Kindly remember her and Khalfans wife in your prayers for quick recovery-they work wonders.

Keep Winning, Stay Winning,

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