Sunday 18 January 2015

New Car Baby!


So as i told you I had gone car shopping. Unfortunately I didnt find any car worth my money. We already have all the cars worth buying. So Alexis and I went and spent the evening at Karen Country Club. Got home two hours ago.

Then I found what My Parents had been upto today. They had imported this for me last week,from Dubai! Couldn't even believe it. I still have to pay them back(exactly Ksh. 12.8 million or $140,000) but yoo! Its nothing!

Apparently Alexis was in on it too.Whose parents do that? Only if they're billionaires. Haha.

Wanted to take it for a spin but mom has said "its Monday morning boy,go to sleep.You have work tomorrow." Can't argue. Not now atleast. haha.

New Car baby. Mercedes S63AMG ;)
Look at my new ride. Today she sleeps by the front door. She aint ready for the garage yet.

Keep Winning,Stay Winning.

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