Tuesday 16 December 2014

Charity begins at Home


So some people have been emailing me from all over the world(i dont know how they get my public E-mail, i suspect this blog haha) asking me to soo sor their charity in the UK,India, Mozambique and even Nigeria.

I have declined all offers several times. Not because I don't want to,,not because I can't, but because I'm a strong advocate of patriotism. I believe in my country. In my government. But as we Kenyans have seen,our government is not capable of everything.

There will always be that street child. That crippled old man looking to you for his next meal. And what do you do? You look away as if the problem doesn't exist. As if it is up to someone else to helo them. What would you do if it was you in that situation? Change begins with you.

So today Alexis and I were on a mission to support as many charities as we came accross. Wr started in Kibera, driving up to Eastlands and Dandora, then to Kayole and Githurai.
You Kenyans reading this are probably wondering how i even came about these neighborhoods. Well,when I was a young boy my parents would take me for drives all o er Nairobi and to these less privileged hoods. Not for any other reason but to teach me to appreciate what I have. They would tell me that it is my responsibility to help these people who were less fortunate than I am. That is how I have been raised. Alexis the same. We all love to give.

Today we gave about 1.32Milkion Kenya shillings to charities-random charities. The joy in their eyes, priceless.

Here is one of the photos I took as I waited for Alexis to come so that we could leave. Thats her baby,her Bentley in a childrens home in Githurai, Nairobi.

Stay Winning, Keep Winning,

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