Friday 5 December 2014

Travel Light?


So today morning Alexis got a call that one of her horses at the Narok Country home isnt doing too well. As you know, we always look for any excuse to travel so we decided "Lets go to Narok!"
We called the crew and they were down for the trip. They never say no. Neither do we. Haha.

So after breakfast Alexis and I got our bags packed. Since we were only going for a few days I packed a small bag, because I have sooo many other clothes there. Alexis also has clothes there but she doesnt know anything about 'Travelling light'. Its a rumor in her world. Oh! There are two of Alexis' friends staying with us, her former classmates from high school. They're also travelling with us. I see this is going to be a huge party weekend in Narok. Time will tell. Anyways here are the ladies bags in the hallway, then my bag,
There's my small bag at the right-hand end of the picture, here ^

So the ladies got out(late as usual) and at about 10.45 a.m we filled up the tank at Shell petrol station Karen and off we went to Narok! We had the chef prepare for us a multitude of snacks only comparable to 6 Star fine dinning. Oh and i didnt mention, we travelled in a 2010 Range Rover vogue, my perfect choice for long journeys. 

So after about 3 hours on the road we arrived at our Narok Home. So happy to be here, cause last I was here was sometime mid 2013 I think. 
Here we are before we set off for Narok, just after fuelling the car. 
*Team Selfie At least this time I showed you my smile ;)
Then as always Alexis is riding shot-gun and the lovely ladies at the back. There's Samantha and Marrie(in pink). As stated in my previous posts I cant expose my identity, nor can i expose Alexis' and my family, for obvious reasons.
The rest of the crew followed behind, we were all in Rangerovers. Mine was white and there were 2 other Rovers, one black one and a Red one.

Fast forward to 3 hours later and we had arrived at Narok.
aaaand here we are! Took this just when we arrived. Still got some fuel, so i have some left to spoil myself and maybe just enough fuel to spoil Alexis, haha.

Tomorrow we party!For now, sleep, so so tired.

Keep Winning, Stay Winning,


  1. You should start your own reality show in Kenya. Or a show u can share your tips and thoughts on real estate investments cz in Kenya there is a lot one can tap but most people don't know how. :)

    1. Thank you. Hehe i've thought about it but a show of any kind would expose me and my family to a lot of limelight. But you are right, the real estate in Kenya is a gold mine where few Kenyans are making billions(i being one of them.) I will dedicate a post to that topic and advise my readers. Thanks for the idea, please subscribe and share my posts with your friends. :)
