Wednesday 3 December 2014

Ujaluo itaua **Castro.


First off..ndio,najua Kiswahili. As I told you, my family have lived here for 3 generations and I consider myself Kenyan to the core. I also watch Kenyan comedy and hence the title of this evenings post.

There has been a lot of chatter online about the "first Lamborghini " landing in Kenya. There are even videos on YouTube. Funny thing is, its not the first, nor the second, nor the third! So many people own Lambo's in Kenya. Been seeing them at my parents' friends home for years, since I was 15. I don't even know how they are being recognized now. Ohh wait, the owners are in a Secret Billionaires society. Haha.

Anyways, so my friend called **Castro(not his real name obviously) gave me a call. He saw my blog post earlier this morning and decided that I was bored. So he invited me to The Hemmingways to have dinner with him and his wife.

Since The Hemmingways is literally a few minutes away from home, I ended up getting there early. Alexis was riding shot-gun as usual. So we got there and had wine as we waited for Castro et al to arrive.

They arrived at about 7pm. Right on time. He called me to go meet him outside. Members of The Society(Of secrete Billionaires) usually meet their guests outside before walking in together. So yeah, I went and met him. What I saw blew my mind. He arrived in a green Lamborghini! The very same one that had landed at the Mombasa port about a week ago(-insert song here-). He looked so fresh !

He was dressed in an Italian suit and his lady the same.Looking quite dapper. That's all they ever wear! So he jumped out and said "The Lord Has been good to me this year.." and I couldn't agree more. Mind you he is 25 years old, comes from a middle class family, grew up in Kileleshwa and now he's a millionaire. He made his money trading stocks and shares, not only locally but also abroad. He breadened his borders and is now enjoying the fruits. That was to motivate y'all.

I asked him for a pic and this is all he let me take since the video is already out there.
Look at those lights. My gosh. So proud of **Castro.
"Its not your fault if you're born poor but its your fault if you die poor."

Keep Winning, Stay Winning,


  1. uu nice!! Great quote! i just got me a new mantra

    1. hey Lynn thanks! Its not my quote but its a great mantra as you have noted. Thanks for reading as well. Please subscribe and tell your friends about the blog as well, :)
